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The quality of a journal depends on the quality of articles published, which in turn depends upon the quality of refereeing process. Not only the quality in terms of the content, but also the quality in terms of providing early and fast reply to authors and the period from the receipt of an article to its publication depends on the referees. To say in minimum words, referees are the backbone of any peer-reviewed journal. 'World rely on journals and journals rely on referees' - such is the importance of a referee. We are fortunate to have the services of following experts for our review process.

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 #  Member Name  Specialty
1     Dr. Amjad M. Shaikh, Mumbai  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
2     Dr. Ankur Barua, MALAYSIA  Community and Home Care
3     Dr. Arvind Pandey Mch, Varanasi  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
4     Dr. Chandana NC MCh, Bengaluru  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
5     Dr. Damyanti Agrawal, Varanasi, Varanasi  ,India  Cardiology
6     Dr. Debasish Das, Bhubaneshwar  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
7     Dr. Dharmendra K. Srivastava, MCh, Lucknow  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
8     Dr. Gananjay Salve,Mch, Belagavi  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
9     Dr. MALEMPATI AMARESH RAO, Hyderabad  ,India  Surgery
10     Dr. Melvin,MD, DM, Kancheepuram George, Kancheepuram  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
11     Dr. Mohd. Azam Hassen Mch, Aligarh  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
12     Dr. Om Prakash Sanjeev, Lucknow  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
13     Dr. Premanand Ponoth,Mch, Nairobi  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
14     Dr. Raja Lahiri, Mch, Rishikesh  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
15     Dr. Rajiv Kumar Srivastava, MCh, Thane  ,India  Cardiology
16     Dr. Ranajit Beeranna Naik DNB, Belagavi  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
17     Dr. Sambhunath Das MD, New Delhi  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
18     Dr. Sankalp Mch, Raibareli  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
19     Dr. Subhendu Sekhar Mahapatra Mch, Kolkata  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
20     Dr. Vinod Sharma, MD, DM, New Delhi  ,India  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine