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The quality of a journal depends on the quality of articles published, which in turn depends upon the quality of refereeing process. Not only the quality in terms of the content, but also the quality in terms of providing early and fast reply to authors and the period from the receipt of an article to its publication depends on the referees. To say in minimum words, referees are the backbone of any peer-reviewed journal. 'World rely on journals and journals rely on referees' - such is the importance of a referee. We are fortunate to have the services of following experts for our review process.

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z  

 #  Member Name  Specialty
1     Dr. Ajith .T.A., PhD, THRISSUR  ,India  Oncology
2     Dr. Ashar Iqbal Lodi, Indore  ,India  Oncology
3     Dr. Chinmay K Basu, MD, PhD, , KOLKATA  ,India  Oncology
4     Dr. D. Manikandan, Bangkok  Cancer Research
5     Dr. Dinesh Babu Somasundaram, Ph.D., Oklahoma City  Oncology
6     Mr. Hari Krishnan Nair, Missouri  ,India  Hematology
7     Dr. Himanshu Soni, Massachusetts  Oncology
8     Dr. Jasmeet Kaur Chhabra, PhD, Ghaziabad  ,India  Biology
9     Mr. Kailash Kumar Mittal, Etawah  ,India  Oncology
10     Mr. Krishnendu Ghosh, Kolkata  ,India  Zoology
11     Dr. M.G. Rajanandh, PhD, CHENNAI  ,India  Pharmacy
12     Dr. Manish Ranjan, Illinois  Oncology
13     Mr. Manoj Kumar Sabnani, MS, Texas  Biology
14     Dr. Munendra Sabnani, MS, Varanasi  ,India  Zoology
15     Mr. Niyaz A. Naykoo, Srinagar  ,India  Molecular Medicine
16     Dr. R.R.THANIGHAI A. Naykoo, Vellore  ,India  Microbiology
17     Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh, Varanasi  ,India  Zoology
18     Dr. Richa Dhingra, Gurugram  ,India  Drug Discovery
19     Dr. Saptarshi Sinha, Bhubaneswar  ,India  Cancer Research
20     Dr. Shafat Ali, PhD, California  General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
21     Mr. Somya Ranjan Dash, Bhubaneswar  ,India  General Biology
22     Dr. Teerthesh Jain MDS, Speedway  Prosthodontics
23     Dr. Vinamra Sharma, Varanasi  ,India  Kaya chikistha (General Medicine)
24     Dr. Vipulkumar Prahladbhai Patel, Ahmednagar  ,India  Pharmacy
25     Dr. Virendra Bhandari, Indore  ,India  Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging