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Accepted Articles : Indian Journal of Research in Anthropology

Publishing your article: All these articles are accepted for publication in the respective journals and acceptance letters have been forwarded to all concerned authors. If you have not received acceptance letter yet; please contact us if you feel necessary.

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"From Boom to Bust: Unpacking India’s Fertility Decline”
V Nayana and Dr J Sandeep
Received On Apr 20 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Approach and Role of Chhattisgarh Government in Tribal Education
Dr. Amit Soni
Received On May 27 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Indigenous Knowledge System in Formal Education
Dr. Amit Soni
Received On Jun 06 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Significance of Visual Storage with Special Reference to Tribal Collection at Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS), Bhopal: An Overview
Danish Mahmood
Received On Mar 20 2024. Accepted On Jun 25 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Socio-economic Impacts of Forests Rights Act on the Individual Title Holders: An Analytical Study among the Lanjia Saoras of Odisha
Kalandi Singh1*and Prasant Kumar Sahoo2
Received On Apr 01 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Socio-Religious and Cultural Perspectives of the sacred place in Bastar, Chhattisgarh.
Digbijoy Giri
Received On Mar 21 2024. Accepted On Jun 25 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Some Local Survival Strategies to Cope with Flood: Examples from Bhakat Chapori, Majuli, Assam
Punam Paul
Received On Dec 11 2023. Accepted On Feb 21 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
The changing trend of tribal education in West Bengal
1. Dr. Suchismita Sen Chowdhury, 2.Shri Suman Das
Received On Mar 30 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Totemic Tradition and Identity of Korku Tribe: An Anthropological Perspective
Mahendra Kumar Jaiswal & Vivek Kumar
Received On Mar 15 2024. Accepted On Jun 25 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).