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  Rupa Ashok Verma
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An Exploratory Study to Assess the Quality of Life of Women Diagnosed with Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) in Selected Hospitals of Mumbai
  Sarika P. Bhange
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A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Psycho-Education in Improving the Level of Adaptation among Mothers of Mentally Retarded Children with the Application of Health Belief Model in Selected Schools for Mentally Retarded at Nagpur (Maharashtra)
  Vandana S. Thangavel
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Telenursing: An Emerging Field
  Shaina Sharma
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Nursing Management of Patients with Pneumonia: A Nursing Process Approach
  Deepak Bagi, Preeti R. Bhupali
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  Rupa A. Verma
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Evidence-Based Practice
  Rupa Ashok Verma
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Knowledge on Hemodialysis among Staff Nurses
  Triveni Rajappa, Renuka Chauhan, Sembian N.
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Involvement of Staff Nurses in Quality Clinical Education
  Sarika N. Bhange
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Sex Education among Higher Secondary School Teachers in Selected Area of Nagpur City
  Sophie Caleb
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A Study to Assess the Effect of Planned Teaching on Knowledge of School Teachers Regarding Selected Health Problems among School Children in Selected Schools of Suburban Area in Mumbai
  Vijay P. Rokade
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Assess the Health Status of Primary School Children (Age 9-12 Years) with a View to Organize the Health Education Program
  Shivani Thakur*, Anita Goswami**
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Effect of Planned Teaching on Mothers of Toddler about Toilet Training
  Meena Waghmare
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Stress among Nurses and its Management
  Rupa Ashok Verma
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of IEC Package on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Byssinosis among the Workers of Selected Cotton Industry, Coimbatore District
  M. Lakshmanan
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  Rupa Verma
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Future Nursing and its Implications
  I. Clement
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Umbilical Cord Blood Banking
  S. Rajeswari
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A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Prevention of Child Abuse among Mothers of School Going Children (5 to 12 Years) in a Selected Rural Area at Kalapani, Bhopal, M.P.
  Purabi Modak
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A Quasi Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Counselling and Correction of Background Factors of Staff Nurses on Job Satisfaction
  Esther Sudhir Joseph
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A Study on Job Satisfaction of Nursing Staff in a Teaching Hospital
  Dakshayini K.P., B.T. Basavanthappa
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Knowledge Regarding Domestic Waste Management among Women
  Ch. Karunasri , B. Kokilamma, P. Sudharani M. Sreelatha
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Knowledge on Selected Aspects of New Born Care among Third Trimester Primigravida Mothers
  M. Manjula, B. Kokilamma, P. Sudharani, M. Sreelatha
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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on PPIUCD (Post-Placental Intrauterine Contraceptive Device among Primigravida Mothers in Selected MCH Centre, Tirupati
  Manoranjani Gara, S. Swarna, P. Sudharani
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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Lifestyle Modifications among Postmenopausal Women
  K. Meena, S. Swarna, P. Sudharani
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A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge on Hepatitis-B among Adolescents in Selected Rural Government Junior Colleges Tirupati
  D. Rajkumar, M. Sreelatha, P. Sudharani
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Osteoporosis among Post Menopausal Women in Selected Areas of Vidarbha Region
  Rani Rajan
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A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) Regarding Knowledge and Practices of Chest Physiotherapy on Children Suffering with Respiratory Conditions among Nurses Working in Pediatric Wards of Selected Hospitals of Belgaum Ci
  Somashekarayya Kalmath*, Sumithra L. A.**
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Effectiveness of Education on Activity and Leisure Management on Pain and Functional Ability among Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA)
  Rajeswari R., Prema
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A Correlative Study on Disability of Schizophrenic Patients and Burden among the Caregivers of Schizophrenic Patients
  Vasanth Kumar Kasturi
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A Descriptive Study: Assessment of the Level of Anxiety and Hope in Cancer Client Undergoing Radiation Therapy in Selected Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra
  Vandana S. Thangavel
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A Case Control Study on Maternal and Neonatal Factors Resulting in Low Birth Weight of Term Neonate at Selected Hospitals of the City
  Rasika Shripad Vaidya
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Looking Nursing Administration in Today’s Perspective
  Esther S. Joseph
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Strategies to Improve Patients Safety in Emergency Department
  M. J. Kumari*, Thirunaavukarasu**
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Case Report on Hyper-emesis Gravid-arum
  S. Swarna
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A Study to Assess the Utilization of Janani Suraksha Yojana Services among Beneficiaries Attending MCH Centre, Tirupati
  C. Venkatareddirani*, M. Sreelatha**, P. Sudha Rani***
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To Assess the Knowledge and Practice among Senior Citizens about Selected Geriatric Health Problem: A study
  T. Lakshmamma*, P. Sudharani*
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Effectiveness of Communication Board on the Communication Pattern and Level of Satisfaction among the Patients on Mechanical Ventilator in IMS & SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar
  Farzana Begum
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Hypertension: Contributing Risk Factors and Lifestyle Modification among Hypertensive Clients
  Uma J. Deaver*, Kanika**, Ramneek***, Asir John Samuel****
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A Study to Assess the Type A Behavior and Occupational Pressure
  Vasanth Kumar Kasturi
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Correlation between Post Stroke Cognitive Impairment and Activities of Daily Living among Patients with Stroke
  Asha Isaac
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Effectiveness of Breathing Exercises among Patients with Bronchial Asthma at MAPIMS
  K. Chandralekha
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A Study to Assess the Knowledge on Antenatal Diet among Mothers Residing at Kollapatty Village, Namakkal
  G. Jamunarani
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Effectiveness of Planned Health Teaching on Prevention of Occupational Hazards among Workers
  Satish Kumar Avasthi*, Rishi Dutt Avasthi**
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A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude on HIV/AIDS among the Adolescents in Selected Degree College, Tirupati
  S. Vamsi Krishna*, M. Sreelatha**, P. Sudha Rani***
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Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Technique in Reduction of Pain Perception and Behavioral Distress during Venepuncture
  Lissy John
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Extended and Expanded Role of a Nurse
  Vandana S. Thangavel
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A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Adolescent Girls Regarding Kishori Shakti Yojana in the Selected School of Palampur with the View to Develop Information Booklet
  Anju Thakur* , Anita Goswami**
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Mothers Regarding Home Based Preventive Measures of Acute Respiratory Infection
  Shivani Thakur*, Anita Goswami**
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Symptoms, Suffering and Palliative Care at the End of Life in Children with Cancer to Synthesis Best Evidence for Practice: A Meta Analysis
  Vasantha Kalyani*, S.K. Mohanasundari**
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Cotard Delusion
  Harshal Silas Wankhede
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Reflective Journalism and Nursing Profession
  M. Lakshmanan
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Umbilical Cord Blood Banking (UCB): Current Issues and Future Challenges
  Dharitri Swain*, A.S. Subathra Harikrishnan**
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Stressful Life Events and Coping Strategies among Patients with Relapse in Psychosis: A Pilot Study Report
  Janarthanan B.*, Manoranjitham Sathiyaseelan**, Balaji Bharadwaj***
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Relationship between Quality of Life and Depression among Type 2 Diabetic Patients of Tirupati
  M. Sree Latha*, P. Sudharani**, Alok Sachan**
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The Effectiveness of Digital Pressure on Pain among Patients Receiving Intramuscular Injection
  Jini George*, Ranjana G. Tryambake*
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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Home Care Management of Epilepsy among Caregivers at Neurology OPD, SVIMS, Tirupati
  P. Harishankar
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Effectiveness of Selected Nursing Intervention on Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcer
  Kalaimathi J.*, Rajeswari R.**, Malliga Kannan***
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Re-Learning Partograph by Staff Nurses as a Strategy to Improve Knowledge and Practice of Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospital of District Ambala, Haryana
  Sarita Thakur*, Rathish Nair*, Ajesh Kumar*
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Relationship between Coping Strategies and Emotional Distress of Breast Cancer Patients and Their Care Takers in Radiation Oncology, SVIMS, Tirupati
  C. Usha Kiran*, P. Sudharani**, Swapna***
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Community Based Rehablitation
  Amrapali Gajbhiye
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Rehabilitation: Make Stroke Patient’s Independent Activity
  C. Vasantha Kalyani
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Breakfast Skipping Tendency among Undergraduate Students
  Rasika Shripad Vaidya
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  Nimarta*, Shaina Sharma*
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Concept of Evidenced Based Practice
  Vandana S. Thangavel
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Implantable Cardioverted Defibrillator: The Lifesaving Device
  Pascaline Vilash Richard Martis
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An Exploratory Study to Assess the Relationship between Cancer Awareness and Patient’s Response to the Cancer Diagnosis among Patients in Selected Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab
  Jaspreet Kaur Sodhi*, Riya Sood*
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Hoarding Disorder
  Chris Thomas
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An Evaluatory Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Umbilical Cord Tissue and Umbilical Cord Blood Banking among Nursing Professionals in Mohan Dai Oswal Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab
  Riya*, Amandeep*, Amanpret*, Ritika*, Sandhya*, Sukhdeep*, Monika*, Rajwinder*, Urmil*
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Maternal Mirror Syndrome
  Rasika Shripad Vaidya
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Intradialyatic Excercises & Quality of Life
  I. Clement
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A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) on Knowledge Regarding Side Effects of Chemotherapy and its Coping Strategies among the Patients Admitted in Cancer Units of Selected Hospitals
  Sanjay Peerapur*, Somashekarayya Kalmath**
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Stress and Coping Strategies among Homemakers
  Irasangappa Mudakavi
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Knowledge and Practice Regarding care of Cerebrovascular Accident Patients among the Staff Nurses with a View to Develop an Information Booklet in the Selected Hospital
  Moirangthem Sonia*, Vishram Singh Gurjar**, Kailash Kumar Khandelwal***
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Teaching Programme on Behavioural Problems
  G. Sasikala*, Prema Krishnan**
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A Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Protein Diet Supplementation among Pre-School Children with Various Degree of Protein Energy Malnutrition at Selected Community in Mysore
  S.K. Mohanasundhari
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured-Teaching Programme on Stress-Reduction Techniques among Adolescent Girls Aged 15-18 Years Staying in a Selected Hostel at Chidambaram
  S.K. Mohanasundhari
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RTMS Therapy: Neo-Perspectives of Psychiatric Nursing
  Irasangappa Mudakavi
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Glasgow Come Scale
  Vasantha Kalyani
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Yoga - for Optimal Fertility
  K. Umamageshwari*, Prema Krishnan**
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Lung Cancer : Case Reports on Nursing Care
  Vasantha Kalyani*, Shaina Sharma**
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Behcet's Syndrome: A Case Report Review
  Rakesh Sharma*, Prasuna J.**
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Thermoregulation of Neonate Among Mothers in Selected Rural Areas
  Amol wasekar
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Knowledge & Awareness of Student Nurses’ Regarding Hospital Infection Control Policies
  Neeraj Kumar Bansal1, Reeja Raju2
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Rare Genetic Dissorder: Crouzon Syndrome
  Gyanderi Tomar1, Vasantha Kalyani2
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Buerger Allen Exercise and Skin Perfusion Pressure: The Significance in Compromised Peripheral Circulation
  Shrikant K Nair
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An Exploratory Study to Assess the Factors Affecting Stress and Coping Strategies among 1st Year BSc. Nursing Students of Selected Nursing Colleges at Rajasthan
  Chris Thomas*, Indra Garg**, Rukmani Chiwda**
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Level of Stress among Infertile Men
  S.K. Mohanasundari*, Ranjana Verma**
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Exploratory Study on Adherence to Instructions for Care at Home Given by Staff Nurses among Clients on Haemodialysis
  Shivani Devi
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A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge Regarding Menopausal, Peri-Menopausal Syndrome and Post-Menopausal Syndrome and Its Management among Post-Menopausal Women in Selected Community Lucknow UP
  S.K. Mohanasundari*, Ranjana Verma**
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Effect of Classical Music Therapy on Respiratory Distress Status in Preterm Neonates
  Safeena Beevi S.S.*, Premaletha T.**, Sobha Kumar S.***, Sona P.S.**
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Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing
  A.P. Kumarasamy*, P. Vasanthakumar**
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Varicose Vein
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Nursing Process: Functional Health Pattern
  Vasantha Kalyani*, Divya Chawla**
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Knee Assessment: An Overview
  Rajeswari R.*, Prema Sekar**
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Gastric Carcinoma: Case Report on Nursing Care
  Nimarta*, Ravin Kumar Bishnoi*
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A Study to Determine Learning Style Preferences Among Nursing Students at Selected College of Nursing, Ratnagiri, Maharastra
  Meenaxi R Devangamath
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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Artificial Nutrition for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
  Sharun NV
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The Effect of Soy Flour Consumption on Gonadotropins in Postmenopausal Women
  Deviga Thirunavukkarasu*, Menda Balachandrarao Naidu**
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Knowledge and Attitude towards Mental Illness among Adults of Selected Urban Community
  Irasangappa B.M.*, Mahantesh Naganuri**
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Selected Therapeutic Exercises on the Promotion of Self–Esteem among the Elderly at Selected Old Age Home in Bengaluru, Karnataka
  Jyothi Quadras
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An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Oral Hygiene in Terms of Knowledge among Primary School Children at Selected School, Trichy
  M. Sudhadevi
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Effect of Simulator Assisted Teaching on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Self Breast Examination among Adolescent Girls
  Navya Joy A.*, Asha C.G.**, Soumya Jacob***
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Effectiveness of Demonstrative Panel Discussion as Newer Teaching Learning Method for Quality Enhancement among Undergraduate Nursing Students
  Archana Maurya*, Shalini H. Lokhande**
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Sexual Abuse in Children
  Visanth V.S.
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Brain Dialysis (Microdialysis)
  I. Clement*, P. Karthikeyaprasath**, Nisha Clement***
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Role of Enhanced External Counter Pulsation in Cardiovascular Disease
  Hariprasath Pandurangan
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Protocol Development on Evidence Based Guidelines for Management of Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Tract Infections in Children
  Visanth V.S.
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Factors That Influence Nursing Quality
  Esther Sudhir Joseph
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The Impact of Technology on Nursing Care
  Esther Sudhir Joseph
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A De Quervain’s Syndrome
  M. Sudhadevi
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A Comparative Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tapping Technique Versus Direct Digital Pressure on Intensity of Pain Prior to Intramuscular Injection among Patients Admitted in Selected Hospitals of the City
  Puthiyavettil Caesar Philip1, Lata Sukare2, Pascaline David3
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Effect of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice regarding Prevention of Occupational Health Hazards among Class IV Workers
  Reshma V.1, Asha C.G.2, Soumya Jacob.3
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Descriptive Study of Knowledge Regarding Bio-Medical Waste Management among Hospital Attendants
  Visanth V.S.1, Sarojlata Akham2, Akriti Sharma3, Latika Namdev4, Shephaly Kumari5, Payal Rathor6
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Knowledge Regarding Risk Factors of Cholelithiasis: An Assessment
  Anjali Sancha1, Kartiki2, Sonali Kumari3, Aditi Yadav4, Amita Rathore5, Archana Nair6
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Effect of Geriatric Care Module on Knowledge and Practice among Staff Nurses in a Selected Hospital, Thrissur
  Swimmi Joshy.1, Ansa C.J.2
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Effect of Video Assisted Teaching on Knowledge regarding Fetal Development among Primigravida Mothers
  Mrudhula1, Joona Joseph2
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A Study to Assess the Effect of Watching Television on Selected Behaviour among Children in Selected Areas of Raichur
  Balbir Yadav1, Rajkumari Gunisana Devi2
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Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme Regarding Knowledge on UTI among Adolescent Girls at Selected Schools
  Anita Goswami1, Mona Rani2, Gulshan Verma3
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A study to assess the effectiveness of Chin Tuck Against Resistance (CTAR) Exercise in Improving Swallowing Ability among Cerebrovascular Accident Patients with Dysphagia at a Selected Hospital, Coimbatore
  Santhosh Priya N.1, Tamil Selvi A.2, Malarvizhi G.3
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A Descriptive Study to Assess the Nutritional Status of Under – Five Children in the Selected Hospitals of the City
  Jayshri D. Fate1, Amrapali Gajbhiye2
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Effectiveness of Hypertonic Saline Versus Glycerin Magnesium Sulphate Application in Management of Superficial Thrombophlebitis
  Shwetal Salwatkar1, Prerna Kumbhare2, Jayshri Padole3, Ranjana Sharma4
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Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Narcotic Policy among Staff Nurses
  Babra Manmeet K.1, Sukare Lata V.2, David Pascaline J.3
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A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Stress Reduction Programme on Stress among Wives of Alcoholics in a Selected Rural Area, Bangalore
  Susan Wesley Nalli
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Extra Corporal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
  I. Clement1, Radhika2, R. Kavitha3
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Ginger the Natural Medicine
  Binu Joe1, Anu Joykutty2
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Watchman Implant: A Helping hand in Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation
  Binu Joe1, Anu Joykutty2
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Effectiveness of Lecture Cum Demonstration and Lecture Cum Video Assisted Teaching Method on Knowledge and Skills of Undergraduate Nursing Students of Selected Nursing Educational Institution of Dehradun, India
  Chandan Pradhan1, Rajesh Kumar Sharma2, Muthuvenkatchalam Srinivasan3
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Knowledge and Skill Regarding Care of a Patient on Mechanical Ventilator among the Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospital
  Ravikant Sharma1, Shiv Kumar Mudgal2
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To Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching on Knowledge Regarding Biological Frailty Syndrome among General Population
  Meera Pohane1, Ranjana Sharma2
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Effectiveness of Intra-dialytic Stretching Exercises on Painful Muscle Cramps among Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis’ in Selected Hospitals, Hyderabad, Telangana
  Shiny P.T.
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Low Back Pain among Nurses: Compromise Nursing care for Patients
  Vasantha Kalyani
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The Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Skills Regarding Management of Post Partum Haemorrhage
  Anjleena Singh
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Impact of Life Skill on Academic Performance Among Nursing Students
  Kavitha B.1, Selin Rose2, Abhay Benedict3, Amrutha C. S.4, Ashikha T. N.5, Aswathy I. S.6, Milda U. D.7, Sneha Francis K.8, Lt Col Rosy K. O.9
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Comparison of the Attitude towards Organ Donation among Nursing and Engineering Students in Selected Colleges of Nagpur
  Lekshmi M.
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Assess the Myths, Beliefs and Perceptions about Mental Disorders among Paramedical Students
  Aspin R.
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An Exploratory Study to Assess the Causes and Risk Factors of Cerebro Vascular Accident among Patients with Cerebro Vascular Accident at Erode Trust Hospital in Erode
  M. Sudhadevi1, Dhanalakshmi2
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Effect of Music Therapy on Anxiety
  Jaskirat Kaur Chahal1, Preksha Sharma2
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Effect of humour Therapy on Psychological Health of Cancer Patients
  Ramandeep1, Preksha Sharma2
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Safe Handling of Chemotherapeutic Drugs in Oncology Nursing Practice
  Sarita Devi1, Preksha Sharma2
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Inhalation Technique for Asthma and COPD
  Sarika Vijay Rokade
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Low Back Pain and its Effect in Daily Activities among Staff Nurses
  C Vasantha Kalyani
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Nurse Led Patient Education Programme on Tuberculosis Diet
  S Jasmin Debora1, B Rahelu2
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Assessment of the Quality of Life of the Patients of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Selected Hospitals
  Mayuri Padole1, Mamta Mundhare2, Neha Narad3, Pratik Nagrale4, Rashmi Naranje5, Ranjana Sharma6
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Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding First Aid Among Primary Schools Teachers in Selected Zilla Parishad Schools
  Pallavi M. Bobade
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A Study to Assess the Level of Satisfaction Regarding Basic B.Sc Nursing Curriculum among Graduate Nurses in Nagpur City
  Arlene Ann Biju1, Babita Yadav2, Monali Gulghane3, Poonam Shahare4, Riddhi Dahale5, Rohini Nagare6 Rupa Ashok Verma7
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Excessive Screen Time : Having look at the Screen time on Children’s Health - A Narrative Review
  Seema Maheswari A
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Pemphigus Vulgaris with Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis : A Case Report
  Seema Maheswari A
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Spore Bearing Bacterial Infection in Burns
  Konda Sireesha Reddy1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2, Elankumar S3, Vinayak Chavan4, Abhinav Aggarwal5, Saurabh Gupta6
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A Cross Sectional Study to Assess Cervical Cancer Screening Behavior Among Women
  Jisa George T1, Kiran Batra2
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Over population and Associated Risks: An Epidemiological Survey
  Neeraj Kumar Bansal1, Reeja Raju2, Supriya Chaturvedi3
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An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Chest Physiotherapy Among Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of the City
  Priyanka Gokulprasad Sharma1, Sukare Lata2, David Pascaline J3
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Road Traffic Rules Among Children in the Age Group of 6 to 13 Years in a Selected School
  Rebecca Jadhav
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Heart Transplantation: It’s a Life Saving Procedure
  Pravin Gopal Pande
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Concept Mapping Among II Year B.Sc (N) Students
  G Jyothsna
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Effectiveness of Warm Foot Bath on Quality of Sleep Among Cancer Patients Admitted in Selected Hospitals
  Aboli Kiran Lanjewar 1, Lata Sukare2, Pascaline David3
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Home Accidents And Its Prevention Among Under-5 Children
  M P Venkatesan1, K Kamala2
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Interactive Guided Imagery Therapy For Stroke Patients
  N Sabari Vel1, Reeta Devi2
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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Knowledge of Needle Stick Injury & Its Management Among Staff Nurses Working in Nabh Accredited & Non-Nabh Accredited Hospitals
  Neeraj Kumar Bansal
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Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection Among Patient with Urinary Catheter Admitted in Intensive Care Units
  Taniya1, Preksha Sharma2
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Monoclonal Antiobodies in Cancer Treatment
  Sandra Shaju1, Neethu Jose2
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Keratosis Obturans – A Case Report
  P Shanmugavadivu
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Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Nursing Care of Patient with Immunosuppressive Therapy among Staff Nurses Working In Selected Hospitals of the City.
  1Lodelliwar Rahul B, 2David Pascaline J, 3SukareLata V
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Knowledge & Attitude towards Organ Donation
  1Neethu Jose, 2Jayesh K Joseph
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Efficacy of Online VAT Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Eye Donation
  1Sharun NV, 2Neha Rajvanshi, 3Srishti Turkar, 4Suprabha, 5Tinkal
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Assessment of the Knowledge Regarding Palliative Care among Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals and to Disseminate an Information Booklet
  Singh Namralata R, 2David Pascaline J, 3Sukare Lata V
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Effectiveness of Demonstration on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Donning and Removing of Selected Personal Protective Equipment Among First year Nursing Students at Selected Nursing Institutes
  Bhagat Harsha K1, Sukare Lata V2, David Pascaline J3
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Regarding Prevention of Selected Complication of Immobility Amoung Immobilized Orthopedic Patients
  Waodhane Pranali B1, Sukare Lata V2, David Pascaline J3
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Regarding Prevention of Selected Complication of Immobility Amoung Immobilized Orthopedic Patients
  Waodhane Pranali B1, Sukare Lata V2, David Pascaline J3
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Effectiveness of Amla Juice with Honey on Moderate Anemia Among Adolescent Girls
  Divya R1, Rajathi Sakthivel2
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Effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding hypoglycemia and it’s management among diabetic clients
  Bhagyashree Ganeshrao Gaikwad1, David Pascaline John2, Lata Vinay Sukare
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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Bio Medical Waste Management among Nursing Personnel
  Devi Buela Janet1, Indrani Dasarathan2, K Sesha Kumar
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Effectiveness of Demonstration on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Donning and Removing of Selected Personal Protective Equipment Among First year Nursing Students at Selected Nursing Institutes
  Bhagat Harsha K1, Sukare Lata V2, David Pascaline J3
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Background: Musculoskeletal disorders highly affecting mobility include strains, sprains, fractures, joint dislocations, amputations, and joint replacement so orthopedic patients are more prone for immobility and its complications. They need to understand
  Sanju Pukhraj Khawa1
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme Regarding Awareness of Blood Donation among Non Medical Students in Selected College of Surat City, Gujarat
  Sonal Vala
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Stress and Coping among the Alcoholics admitted in Selected De-Addiction Center’s of Dharwad District
  Nagesh VA
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Effect of Health Care Professional’s Covid duties on Mental Health of their under Five Children
  Rupa Ashok Verma1, Pallavi Bobade2, Priya Bhorge, Achal Bankar, Pallavi kale, Takshasheelamesham
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Effectiveness of Pranayama on Primary Dysmenorrhoea among Adolescent Girls
  Ravita Yadav 1, Manoj Jaiswal 2, Rajkumar Mehta 3, Deepak Rajput 4, Virendra Kushwaha 5, Neeraj Kumar Bansal 6, Reeja Raju 7
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Icepack Application on Pain and Bruising Complications Associated with Subcutaneous Heparin in Critical Care Patients
  Settepalli Jasmindebora1 , Sneha Jannu2
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Missed Nursing Care
  Ashish Anvikar
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Review Article: COVID 19 Complications in Childrens
  Mariya Tomsen1 , Pravesh2 , Deepika Bajwan3 , S P Subashini4
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Techniques of Wound Bed Preparation in Scalp Electrical Burn Wound
  Barath Kumar Singh P1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2
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Practical Aspect of Clozapine
   Anjali Sancha1, Kankana Chakraborty2
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Perceived Stress among Staff Nurses at Work Place: A Preliminary Review
  Jairaj Singh1, Gajendera Bhati2, Simrat Kaur3, S P Subashini
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Women Empowerment in Rural Community
  Ahongsangbam Sanathoi Chanu1, S P Subhashini2, Priyanka Thakur3, Simrat Kaur
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Forensic Nursing
  I Clement1, Nisha Clement2
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A Comparative Study to assess the Knowledge Regarding Neonatal Resuscitation among Staff Nurses Working in NICU at Selected Government and Private Hospitals of District Amritsar, Punjab
  Kiranbir Kaur1 , Baljinder Kaur2
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Role of Tri-layer Scaffold in Wound bed Preparation in Necrotizing Fasciitis
  Shivanand Hoshamani , Ravi Kumar Chittoria , Barath Kumar Singh. P
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Role of Topical Application of Cholecalciferol with Mupirocin Ointment Combination in Management of bedsore
  Nishad K. , Neljo Thomas , Ravi Kumar Chittoria , Barath Kumar Singh , Jacob Antony Chakiath
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Role of Prolotherapy in Wound Bed Preparation in Necrotizing Fasciitis
  Shivanand Hosamani , Ravi Kumar Chittoria , Barath Kumar Singh. P
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A Opinion of Nursing Stakeholder on Publications & Scholarship
  Veena D. Sakhardande
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Role of Egg Membrane in Management of Chronic Wound: Our Experience Case Report
  Nishad. K , Neljo Thomas , Ravi Kumar Chittoria , Barath Kumar Singh , Jacob Antony Chakiath
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Disease Specific Quality of Life, Quality of Sleep and Sleep Hygiene among Patients with End Stage Renal Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis
  Anju Suresh1, Shirley prakash2, J. Gladys3, Tintu C Francis4
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Role of Autologous Lipoaspirate Therapy in Preventing Abnormal Scarring in Scald Burns
  Sushant Kaushal1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2, Amrutha J S3
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Role of Limited Access Dressing in Wound Bed Preparation
  Sagrika Mohan1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2, Jocob Antony Chakiath3
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Role of Belgium Outcome of Burn Injury Scoring System in Burns
  Sagrika Mohan1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2, Barath Kumar Singh P3
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Role of Placental Extract in Plastic Surgery
  Amrutha JS1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2
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Effectiveness of Information Booklet on Knowledge Regarding Emotional Hygiene among Women
  Veena D. Sakhardande
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Effectiveness of Ventilator Bundle Care Checklist on Prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
  Neeraj Bansal, M.S. Vinsi
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The Effectiveness of Isometric Exercises on Level of Pain among OA Patients
  Grena J.
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Application of Abbreviated Burn Severity Index Score in Burns
  Naveen Raj. S, Ravi Kumar Chittoria, Bharath Prakash Reddy J
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Assessing the Knowledge Regarding Basic Life Support among Young Adults
  Kavitha B.1, Jeena Franklin2, Justin Johny3, Krishnendhu M. K.4, Sayana Subhash5, Sona Babu6, Syamili Shaju7, Veena T.V.8, Lt. Col. Rosy. K. O.
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Resilience and Self Efficacy among Nurses Working in COVID & Non COVID Dedicated Hospitals in India: A Comparative Study
  Anjali Sancha1 , Neha Nidhi
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