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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  8, Issue 1, January-April 2019, Pages 23-24

Original Article

The Missing Tile Syndrome

Vandana S. Thangavel

Assitant Professor, HOD Mental Health Dept., MKSSS, Sitabai Nargundkar College of Nursing, HIngna, Nagpur, Maharashtra 441110, India.

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 Human beings can never be perfect instead they should enjoy their imperfections and celebrate them because there is nothing like a perfect life. The Missing Tile Syndrome is a term coined by Dennis Prager. It means focusing on the things that one does not have and in the process, robbing ones happiness. Life is a beautiful gift of god and we should always keep this in mind.

Keywords: Missing; Lacking; Unsatisfied; Syndrome.

Corresponding Author : Vandana S. Thangavel