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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  8, Issue 1, January-April 2019, Pages 14-17

Original Article

Effectiveness of Sleep Promotion Education Regarding Quality of Sleep among Adolescents in Selected Schools of Doiwala Block, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Meenakshi Rana1, Grace M. Singh2, Shobha Masih3

1M.Sc. Nursing Student 2Assistant Professor Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, 3Nursing Tutor, Himalayan College of Nursing, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248140, India.

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 Background of the study: Adolescents is the stage in which an individual grow and develop physically and psychologically from puberty to legal adulthood. The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of sleep promotion education regarding quality of sleep among adolescents in selected schools of Doiwala Block, Uttarakhand. Method: Quantitative research approach was adopted for present study. Total 260 adolescents were selected through total enumerative sampling technique. Data was collected by administering tool to the participants. Tool consists of socio- demographic Performa, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: This study showed that sleep promotion education improved significant improvement in sleep quality from baseline mean 7.22 to 4.81; p< 0.001 post interventions as measured by Pittsburgh sleep quality index. The results showed that mean score is decreasing from pre interventions to the third week of post interventions which means that sleep promotion education was effective in improving the sleep quality of adolescents. There was no significant association between pre-test quality of sleep scores among adolescents regarding sleep promotion education with selected demographic variables tested at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusion: The study concluded that the adolescents had inappropriate sleep quality for which sleep promotion education was given to the adolescents. Sleep promotion education improved the sleep quality of adolescents significantly after three weeks of education.

Keywords: Effectiveness; Sleep Quality; Adolescents; Sleep Promotion Education

Corresponding Author : Grace M. Singh,