AbstractIntroduction: The intrapartum assessment of fetal well being has become an integral part of the management of labour. Now a day’s cardiotocography (CTG) become a popular method to monitor fetal wellbeing. Objective of the study is the correlation of abnormal cardiotocography and perinatal outcome.
Material and Methods: In this prospective observational study 200 pregnant women with gestational age  37 weeks gestation with cephalic presentation in first stage of labour were taken. Results were assessed in the form of mode of delivery, color of the liquor , apgar score, NICU admission and perinatal mortality.
Statistical analysis was done by using Chi square test using software SPSS version 16 and p<0.05 is considered as statistically significant.
Results: Out of total 200 patients the CTG tracing was normal in 152 patients (76%), abnormal in 18 patients (9%) and suspicious in 30 patients (15%).
Caesarean section rate was statistically higher (72.2%) in abnormal CTG trace group as compared to those with suspicious (46.6%) and Normal (32.2%) group.
Incidence of Meconium stained liquor was statistically higher (27.7%) in abnormal CTG trace group as compared to those with suspicious (13.3%) and Normal (4.6%) group. Incidence of babies with low apgar scores was statistically higher (27.7%) in abnormal CTG trace group as compared to suspicious (13.3%) and Normal (5.26%) group. Incidence of NICU admission was statistically higher (33.3%) in abnormal CTG trace group as compared to suspicious (10%). and Normal CTG trace group (1.31%). The abnormal CTG patterns of the present study had 11.11% perinatal mortality.
Conclusion: Cardiotocography is the best non invasive screening test to evaluate the fetal health and to predict the perinatal outcome. Incidence of high caesarean rate, Meconium stained liquor, low apgar score, NICU admission and
perinatal moratlity was more frequent in those cases that have abnormal CTG traces.
Keywords: CTG; Abnormal Cardiotocography; Apgar score and Perinatal Outcome.