AbstractIntroduction: Infertility is the failure to conceive (regardless of cause) after 1 year of unprotected intercourse. Its overall prevalence has been stable during the past 50 years; however, a shift in etiology and patient age has occurred. Though both male and female factors cause infertility women are held responsible and attend infertility clinic.
Aims and objectives: To know the prevalence of primary infertility and study the clinical, biochemical and radiological features associated with primary infertility.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional observational study of 100 primary inferility patients at the gynecology outpatient department and infertility clinic at MVJ medical college and research hospital between august 2014 to july 2015.study participants underwent standard infertility evaluation including history, physical examination, ultrasonography, endocrinological assay involving TSH, FSH, LH and serum prolactin and semen
analysis. The descriptive analysis of the data is done using Statistical software namely SPSS and Graphs and tables were generated using Microsoft word and excel.
Results: the prevalence of infertility was 10.6%. majority of patients were between 20-30 yrs. Mean duration of infertility was 6.7 yrs. 20% patients had symptoms like chronic pelvic pain, white discharge per vagina and dysparenuia. Abnormal semen analysis was found in 24% of male partners. 10% patients had hypothyroidism. 46% of patients had polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. Tubal block was found in 17% of patients.
Conclusions: The study is dominated by younger age at presentation and varied duration of infertility. Polycystic ovarian syndrome was first cause of infertility followed by pelvic inflammatory disease and male factor infertility.
Keywords: Prevalence; Primary Infertility.