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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  7, Issue 1, Jan-Apr 2018, Pages 5-8

Original Article

Assessment of Assertiveness and Self-Esteem among BSc Nursing 1st year Students of a Selected Nursing College of Hyderabad

Disney Sabatina*, Mahjabean Begum*, Anumol Joseph**

*MSc Nursing 1st year student, **Assistant Professor, Vijay Marie College of Nursing, Hyderabad, Telangana 500016, India.

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Introduction: Non-assertive behaviour and low selfesteem have been found to be a major problem in theNursing profession and as nursing students studying in the Nursing College. Nurses with assertive behavior and high self-esteem are likely to deliver better therapeutic patient care .The objective of the present study was to assess and examine the relationship of assertive behavior and self-esteem and find correlation between the two among student nurses. Methods: Quantitative approach withnonexperimental descriptive study was used in the present study. 40 B.Sc. Nursing 1st year students were selected through convenient sampling. Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS) and Rosenberg Self Esteem (RSE) Scale were used. Results: 57.5% of the subjects were with low self-esteem and 42.5% subjects were withmoderate Self-Esteem. 50% subjects were non-assertive, 37.5% subjects were assertive and 12.5% were super assertive. There was moderately positive correlation between self-esteem and assertiveness. However, there was no signification association found between self-esteem and assertiveness and selected demographic variables. Conclusion: Assertiveness training or other intervention may be initiated for nursing students who are non-assertive and have low self-esteem.

Keywords: Self-Esteem; Assertiveness; Correlation; Nursing Students. 

Corresponding Author : Anumol Joseph, Assistant Professor, Vijaymarie College of Nursing, Hyderabad 500016.