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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  6, Issue 2, May-Aug 2017, Pages 5-11

Original Article

Emotional Intelligence, Stress and Coping Styles of Nursing Staff in Corporate Hospitals

Rathna Sailaja*, Rene de Souza**

*Clinical Pschycologist **Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Hyderabad.

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Introduction: The Nursing profession is a demanding profession and involves complex interaction of nurses with many people. Nurses differ in their emotional intelligence, perception of stress and in coping styles which are influenced by many variables. There can be multiple stressors leading to high stress and poor quality of work. Identification and appropriate intervention is definitely helpful. Objectives: Study was conducted to assess the occupational stress, coping styles of nurses, to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and stress and to study the effect of intervention on stress and emotional intelligence in nurses. Materials and Methods: This was a prospective study done in the department of Psychology, Osmania University, Hyderabad. A total of 200 female nurses working in three Corporate hospitals, Hyderabad, were selected randomly. The Emotional intelligence, Stress and Coping styles were assessed through Emotional Intelligence Scale, Occupational Stress Index, and Coping Strategies Scale by way of questionnaires. Thirty nurses had high stress levels and intervention was given to them. All the three scores were again assessed after intervention. Results: Nurses differed in emotional intelligence. Nurses more than 50 years showed higher EI. Education also influenced the EI. The EI did not differ based on work area. Stress affected nurses equally irrespective of age and work area. There was a significant difference in Coping styles among nurses. Appropriate intervention given to nurses with high levels of stress improved the EI and Coping styles. Conclusion: Nursing profession is a demanding profession and nurses shoulder lot of responsibility and commitment inherent in it, which can give rise to high levels of stress among nurses. Intervention definitely helps to lower the stress levels and increase the emotional intelligence and coping styles.

Keywords: Nurses; Emotional Intelligence; Occupational Stress; Coping Styles; Relaxation Techniques. 

Corresponding Author : Rene de Souza, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500068