4, Issue 2, April - June 2017, Pages 546-550
Case Report
Segmental Thoracic Spinal Anaesthesia for Modified Radical Mastectomy in a Bronchiectasis Patient
Eeshwar Rao Madishetti*, Syed Ali Aasim**, Ravindar Bethi***
*Assistant Professor **Professor, Dept of Anaesthesiology, Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences, (CAIMS), Karimnagar. ***Specialist Anaesthesiologist, Dept of Anaesthesiology, Dariya General Hospital, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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General anaesthesia is the gold standard technique for breast cancer surgery but risks of general anaesthesia outweigh the benefits particularly in patients with known cardio pulmonary disorders. Here we discussed a patient with known bronchiectasis undergone mastectomy with axillary lymphnode dissection under thoracic spinal block at mid thoracic level without any intra and post operative complications