Abstract Brucellosis is one of the major bacterial disease that affects almost all livestock species and it poses an important zoonotic threat in humans of all ages. In India, ovines and caprines are an important source of livelihood for majority of the agricultural people. Increased demand for meat, dairy and dairy products resulted in excessive farming practices and lead to the spread and transmission of the disease. In sheep and goat the disease is characterised with abortions and infertility. Serological and molecular tests were employed for the diagnosis of disease in ovineand caprine. Prevention is done by mass vaccination of suspected and infected animals. But, In humans the disease is difficult to diagnose and it is time taking process and requires laboratory testing for confirmation and it necessarily requires awareness within humans to take preventive measures in controlling the spread of disease.
Keywords: Brucellosis; Ovine; Caprine; Abortions; Zoonotic; Serological and Molecular Diagnosis.