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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  5, Issue 2, May-Aug 2016, Pages 51-53

Original Article

A Study to Assess the Etiological Factor in Patients with Schizophrenia Admitted in Selected Mental Health Centre of Pune City

Priya Sarkar*, Rekha V. Mane*, Sheela Upendra***

M.Sc. (N) 2nd year, **Associate Professor, Symbiosis College of Nursing, Senapati Bapat road Pune (411004).

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 Decades of research on schizophrenia have not produced major breakthroughs, but gradual progress has been made in identifying risk factors and clarifying the nature of the etiologic process [1,2]. Schizophrenia ranks among the top 10 causes of disability in developed countries worldwide[3]. One of the most positive areas of schizophrenia research today is in the area of identification of early risk factors for development of schizophrenia[4].The purpose of this paper is to describe the etiological factors in patients with schizophrenia and the prevalence of schizophrenia among the population according to demographic variables.A univariant descriptive research design was used. Data was collected from all the accessible subjects diagnosed as schizophrenia (n=105) using multiple choice closed ended questionnaire. In situation where the study subject could not answer data was referread from patient’s case history file. Analysis revealed that 52.38% cases were male while 47.62% were female among which 53.33% were unmarried, 17.14% were married and 29.52% were separated. 68.57%cases were notedto be underpsychosocial influences, whereas 15.23%cases due to biological influences and 14.28% cases where noted to be under multifactorial influence. The findings concluded that males are more affected than females with peak age group between 35-65 (late adulthood).

Keywords: Schizophrenia; Etiological Factors; Mental Health Centre.

Corresponding Author : Priya Sarkar*