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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  4, Issue 2, May-Aug 2015, Pages 63-66

Original Article

Thought Stopping Activity as Innovative Trend to Deal with Stresses

Vishal R. Naikare*, Priyanka Kale**, Amol B. Kanade***, Sneha Mankar***, Sarla Pund***, Sharad Khatake***

*HOD, Department of Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing **Lecturer ***Students, Final Year M.Sc. Nursing, Sinhgad College of Nursing, Pune, India

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 Introduction: Modern age is the age of stress. Stress is unavoidable and an integral part of our lives. Though stopping activity is one of the techniques to manage the stresses. The current study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of thought stopping activity on level of stress among industrial workers of selected industries of Pune. Approach: Descriptive Evaluative approach. Design: Quasi experimental nonequivalent control group design. Subject–Population: Target Population: Industrial workers of Industries from Maharashtra. Accessible Population: Industrial workers of selected Industries from Pune; Sample: Industrial workers of selected areas; Sample Size: Sample consisted of 60 subjects; Sampling Technique: Non probability quota sampling; Industrial worker in selected industries was taken as samples. Non probable quota sampling technique is used. Samples size 60 (30 experimental, 30 control group). Data collection tool: A self reported semi structured questionnaire and perceived stress assessment scale. Data analysis: The collected data was coded, tabulated and analyzed by using descriptive statistics (mean percentage standard deviation) and inferential statistics. Significance difference between pre test and post test reading was analyzed by paired t test. Association of selected demographic variables with demographic data was done by ANOVA test. Then analyzed data is presented in tabulate form. Result:  Findings of experimental group: overall pre-test stress score was 73.7 and post test stress score was 48.3. t test was used to test the research hypothesis and it was accepted as t calculated > t table. (7.9>2.05). It shows that thought stopping activity was very effective in reduce level of stress among the industrial worker.

Keyword: Effectiveness; Thought Stopping Activity; Stress; Industrial Workers.

Corresponding Author : Vishal R. Naikare*