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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  4, Issue 2, May-Aug 2015, Pages 55-58

Original Article

A Study to Evaluate the Effect of Yoga on Insomnia among Post Menopausal Women in Selected Rural Areas at Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Rushika Patel*, Suresh V.**, Ravindra H. N.***

*Student **Assistant Professor, Department Of Mental health Nursing ***Principal,Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Piparia, Vadodara-391760, Gujarat, India.

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 Introduction: Sleep is a universal behavior that has been demonstrated in every animal species studied, from insects to mammals. It is one of the most significant human behaviors occupying roughly one third of human life. Sleep occupies a greater portion of our life and is considered as one among the three upasthambhas of existence. Sleep disturbance have been a major concern of physicians, psychologists and social scientists especially since last few decades because of the rising trend of different sleep disorders. Although the exact functions of sleep are still unknown, it is clearly necessary for survival, because prolonged sleep deprivation leads to physical and cognitive impairment. Objectives: (1) To assess the pre test and post test level of insomnia among post menopausal women. (2) To evaluate the effectiveness of yoga among post menopausal women. (3) To associate the post test level of insomnia with selected demographic variables. Material and method: The research approach used for the study was the Quantitative research approach. The study was conducted using pre experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test. The independent variable is yoga and dependent variable was insomnia among post menopausal women. The study was conducted on 30 post menopausal women in rural area of Vadodara using non probability convenient technique. The data was collected by using rating scale. The data was tabulated and analyzed in terms of objectives of the study, using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: In the pre-test, post menopausal women having 55. 83% level of insomnia and mean score was 40.20 ±8.24. In the post test post menopausal women having average 35.28% of insomnia and mean score was 25.40±5.73. The post test mean insomnia score is significantly lesser than the pre test mean insomnia score. The t calculated value 13.690 is more than tabulated value 2.045 at 0.05 level of significance. So we accept H1 and conclude that there is significant difference between level of pre test and post test insomnia among post menopausal women exposed to YOGA. In the pre test majority (63.3%) of the post menopausal women had moderate insomnia but in the post test there was marked reduction in the level of insomnia with majority (83.3%). The ANOVA (analysis of variance) was used to determine the association between level of post test insomnia and selected demographic variables. From the entire demographic variables no significant association was found with post test score. Conclusion: It can be concluded that post menopausal women can utilize the knowledge regarding yoga and practice the same. The study findings reveal that yoga was highly effective in improving sleep quality of post menopausal women. 

Keywords: Evaluate; Effect; Yoga; Insomnia; Post Menopausal Women.

Corresponding Author : Rushika Patel*