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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  4, Issue 2, May-Aug 2015, Pages 49-53

Original Article

Job Satisfaction Among the College/University Teachers – A Descriptive Study

Seema Rani*, Ramesh Sharma**, Leena Vaidya**, Arvind Kumar***

*Assistant Professor, Rufaida College of Nursing, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. **Assistant Professor, Government College, Anni, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. ****Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi.

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Background: Ever since the inception, the important goal of mankind has been the pursuit of happiness, peace and stress free life. One finds stress everywhere, whether it be within the family, business or work place or any other social or economic activity. Modern life has brought lot of stress and frustration amongemployees at the workplace. Job satisfaction is the employee’s affective response to the job. Objectives: To assess the level of job satisfaction among the teachers and to find out the job satisfaction enhancing factors for the teachers. Methodology: The descriptive survey was conducted at Human Resource Development Centre, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. 36 College and University teachers were selected for the study. Teachers were administered a preliminary information blank, Job Descriptive Index (by smith, Kendall and Hulin) and semi structured questionnaire. Results: Findings showed that 19.4% of the teachers were satisfied with their jobs where as 50% were moderately satisfied and 30% were dissatisfied. Measures, to improve the job satisfaction among teachers, as expressed by them, included research friendly environment, hike in salary and easing out conditions for promotion, etc. Conclusion: Majority of the college teachers were among the dissatisfied group.Also they expressed that they are not given the due recognition in the society, they deserve. 

Key words: Job Satisfaction; College/University Teachers; Factors Enhancing Job Satisfaction. 

Corresponding Author : Seema Rani*