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Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Volume  3, Issue 1, January - April 2014, Pages 33-37

Original Article

Logotherapy: A Means of Finding Meaning to Life


Flat No. 122, Srikamalapriya Paradise Appts, East Anand Bagh, Malkajgiri, Hyderabad - 500047, Andhra Pradesh, India.

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The term logotherapy is derived from the Greek word ‘logos’ denoting meaning. Viktor Emil Frankl[l] is popularly known as the father of logotherapy. Logotherapy attempts to empower clients to find meaning in work, love, suffering, and creation. It focuses on the future, on the meanings to be fulfilled in the future. It is a psychotherapeutic approach which is based on the belief that emotional equilibrium can be achieved through seeking meaning or purpose in life. The meaning in life is not invented but has to be discovered. One can give meaning to one’s life by realising creative, experiential or attitudinal values. Basis of logotherapy is based on three paradigms namely freedom of will, will to meaning and meaning in life. The basic techniques used by the logotherapist are paradoxical intention, dereflection and socratic dialogue. This therapy is found useful in treating clients suffering from psychosomatic illness, anxiety, depression, neurosis, childhood disorders, post traumatic stress disorder and suicidal ideations. Nurses role here is to educate the clients in achieving an optimistic attitude towards life and also enabling the client to understand life’s transitions as well as overcoming crisis situations at the earliest thereby promoting mental health.
Keywords: Logotherapy; Paradoxical intention; Dereflection; Transitoriness; Experiential values.

Corresponding Author : ANUMOL TOMY