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Community and Public Health Nursing

Volume  9 , Issue 3, September - December 2024, Pages 139-149

Review Article

Assess the Effectiveness of Strutctured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Home Visit among Second Year Basic B.Sc. Nursing Student’s in Selected Nursing

Nayana Kalane

Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Sumantai Wasnik Institute of Nursing, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440023, India.

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Community health nurse work in families in a variety of settings like clinic school offices and homes etc. An important aspects of community health nurse’s role in promoting health of people is by providing services to individual families in their homes. Home visiting is one of the most important aspect of community health service. This study was based on quantitative approach. The population was second year Basic B.Sc. Nursing students in the selected nursing college. The sample size of 30 students. Research Design non-experimental approach is use to assess the knowledge. Conceptual framework used for present study is “Modified general system mode” total sample size is 30 and selected by Non-probability purposive sampling technique. The pilot study was conducted from 18.02.2020 to 27.02.2020. as per laid down criteria 3 sample were selected from Basic B.Sc. nursing college for pilot study from non-probability purposive sampling technique. The data gathering process began on 29.10.20 to 5.11.20. The inclusion criteria were: The study is limited to 2nd year Basic B.Sc. Nursing students. Male and Female is included. Who are willing to participate in the study. The investigator visited the selected Basic B.Sc Nursing college and obtained the necessary permission from the concerned authorities, after explaining the objectives and purpose of the study to the 2nd year Basic B.Sc. Nursing students consent was obtained from them for participation in the study. Pre-test was given to assess their knowledge regarding Home visiting. The structured teaching on study regarding Home visiting was given to the participants of the study. Post-test was conducted on 7th day of structured teaching. Based on the Objective and Hypothesis the data analyzed and by using various statistical tests i.e., Percentage, mean, chi square and standard deviation, T-test, the level of significance set for testing the hypothesis was at 0.05. Result: The finding shows that in pre-test score, 13.33% of sample has poor level knowledge, 86.67% of sample has average level of knowledge, 0% of sample has good level of knowledge. But in post-test score. 46.67% of sample has good level of knowledge, 53.33% sample has average level of knowledge. The finding shows that calculated ‘T’ value was much higher than tabulated value. Hence, it was strongly interpreted that the structured teaching regarding Home visiting was effective. Conclusion: So, the H1 was accepted. There was to significance difference between age, previous knowledge, residential area, gender and nutritional status. The structured teaching brought out improvement in the knowledge regarding Home visiting among Basic B.Sc. Nursing students. Analysis of the data shows that there is significance difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge.

Keywords : assess, effectiveness, structured teaching program, knowledge, home visit, students.
Corresponding Author : Nayana Kalane,