AbstractThis study, titled “A Study to assess the Effectiveness of isometric exercises on cervical spondylitis patients in selected hospital at Kanpur, UP” aimed to determine the impact of isometric exercises on patients. A pre-experimental, one-group pretestpost-test design was employed, involving 60 cervical spondylitis patients meeting inclusion criteria, selected through purposive sampling. The study utilized structured socio-demographic variables and a numeric pain assessment scale. The results showed
a significant reduction in pain levels after isometric exercises, with an overall mean difference of 15.8. Initially, 41 patients (68.3%) reported moderate pain, 12 (20%) severe and 7 (11.7%) mild pain. Post-intervention, 51 patients (85%) reported mild pain,
and 9 (15%) moderate pain, with no cases of severe pain. The ‘t’ test value exceeded the tabulated value at a 0.05 significance level, leading to the acceptance of the H1 hypothesis. The study concluded that isometric exercises were effective in reducing
pain levels among cervical spondylitis patients.