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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology

Volume  17, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 129-133

Case Report

AML's Hidden Footprint: Autopsy Pathology Uncovers Extensive Extramedullary Involvement

Seema A Umarji1, Akanksha Hegde2, Nidhi Radhakrishnan3, Sudha HM4

1Senior Resident, 2,3Postgraduate,  4Professor, Department of Pathology, Ramaiah Medical College,
Bengaluru 560054, Karnataka, India

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BACKground: Extramedullary Involvement (EMI) in acute leukemia refers to the infiltration   of leukemic cells into organs or tissues outside of the blood or bone marrow compartments. This phenomenon manifests in various locations such as the skin, bones, and lymph nodes. CAse report: We present an uncommon occurrence involving a 46-year-old male, wherein
extensive myeloid infiltrates were identified during autopsy examination.  literAture review: EMI is believed to manifest in approximately 3-8% of adults diagnosed  with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).1  CliniCAl relevAnCe: It highlights the diagnostic complexity of AML and emphasizes the need  for meticulous gross and microscopic examination during autopsy with clinicopathological correlation and utilization of special tests like immunohistochemistry in diagnosing such rare

Keywords : Extramedullary Involvement; Autopsy; Acute myeloid leukemia; Myeloid sarcoma
Corresponding Author : Nidhi Radhakrishnan,