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Journal of Global Public Health

Volume  6, Issue 1, January–June 2024, Pages 13-22

Original Article

Association of Tobacco Smoking with Periodontal Health and Early Loss of Teeth among Adult Population in Visakhapatnam

K Rashmika1 , L Vamsi Krishna Reddy2 , R Yashwanth Sai3, Ravada VSSK Kinneresh4 , B Suma Priyanka5 , Vejandla Vamsi Krishna6

1 Private Practitioner, 2 Professor and Head, 3 Associate Professor, 4 Senior Resident, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Government Dental College and Hospital, Asarwa, Ahmedabad 380016, Gujarat, India, 5 Assistant Professor, Gitam Dental College & Hospital, Visakhapatnam 530045, Andhra Pradesh, 6 General Physician & Ex Research, Department of Public Health Dentistry, All India Institute of Me

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Background: Tobacco use is a major modifiable risk factor for health which was found to affect dental health by accelerating the onset, severity, and progression of periodontal disease.

Aim and Objectives: To assess the association of tobacco smoking with periodontal health and early loss of teeth among adult population of Visakhapatnam

Material and Methods: Data was collected using a face to face interview of a validated fagerstorm questionnaire and Periodontal status from WHO oral health assessment form 2013 to assess the periodontal status of the participants.Based on Purposive sampling technique and the desired sample size was 430 was obtained.

Results: Out of 430 participants, 244 (56.7%) were males and 18 6(43.3%) were females. A population of 244 (187males and 57 females) members smoke their first cigarette within 5 mins of waking up, whereas 18 6(129 males and 57 females’ members smoke their first cigarette within 6 to 30 minutes after waking up in the morning. 187 (29.8%) males and 58 (13.5%) females smoke 21 to 30 cigarettes per day. There is a significant change in the loss of attachment based on the scoring criteria the pocket depth is seen upto 4-5 MM in majority of the participants (1.21±0.17). Most of the tobacco users (73, 44.5%) had chronic periodontitis with periodontal pocket of 4-5 mm and attachment loss of 6-8 mm (79, 48.2%) followed by periodontal pocket of 6-8 mm (31, 18.9%) and clinical attachment loss of 4-5 mm (28, 17.1%).

Conclusion: The results of the current study demonstrated that smoking negatively affects periodontal and gingival health. Preventing smoking will improve the oral and overall health related quality of life.

Keywords : Tobacco Smoking; Periodontal Disease; Smokers.
Corresponding Author : K Rashmika,