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Journal of Global Public Health

Volume  6, Issue 1, January–June 2024, Pages 07-11

Original Article

Empowering Women: A Study of Political Participation in Indian Democracy

Gedam Kamalakar

Post-Doctoral, Department of Political Science, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad 500033, Telangana, India.

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Political participation of women is essential for the functioning and vitality of any democracy.In India, despite constitutional provisions and various initiatives, women's participation in politics remains significantly lower than that of men. This study aims to delve into the factors influencing women's political participation in Indian democracy and explore avenues for their empowerment in the political sphere. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, data, and case studies, this article examines socio-cultural, economic, and institutional barriers that hinder women's entry into politics. Additionally, it highlights successful initiatives and policy measures undertaken at various levels to enhance women's political participation. The study underscores the importance of addressing structural inequalities, promoting gender[1] sensitive policies, and fostering a conducive environment for women's engagement in politics.By advocating for inclusive and equitable political representation, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on women's empowerment and democratic governance in India.

Keywords : Women's political Participation; Indian Democracy; Gender Equality; Empowerment; Barriers; Initiatives; Policy Measures.
Corresponding Author : Gedam Kamalakar,