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RFP Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Nursing

Volume  7, Issue 1, January–June 2024 2024, Pages 13-22

Review Article

The Role of AI and Robotics in Revolutionizing Nursing Care: A Comprehensive Review

Rajendra Kumar Sahu1 , Avadhesh Kumar Yadav2

Nurse Educator, 2 Nursing Officer, Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221010, India.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have revolutionized nursing, improving efficiency, accuracy, and patient centred care. AI algorithms analyse patient data for diagnosis, treatment plans, and outcome predictions. Virtual assistants and chatbots provide real-time information and emotional support. Robotics assist with tasks like medication administration, wound care, and patient mobility. They enable remote monitoring and virtual consultations. Ethical considerations include patient privacy, data security, and responsible use. Human skills such as empathy and critical thinking should complement AI and robotics. Integration of these technologies enhances patient monitoring, diagnosis and treatment, medication management, electronic health records, rehabilitation, and elderly care. AI algorithms analyse real-time data for monitoring, identifying health risks, and enabling timely interventions. Robotics facilitate continuous monitoring and remote interactions. AI aids in accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans.AI optimizes medication regimens, and robotics automate dispensing. AI analyses data for decision[1] making and robotics streamline EHR processes. Robotics assist in rehabilitation and provide companionship to the elderly. Ethical considerations include patient privacy and addressing biases. Human expertise and compassionate care remain essential. AI and robotics augment healthcare providers, improving efficiency and decision-making. They transform patient monitoring, diagnosis, treatment, medication management, EHR utilization, rehabilitation, and elderly care. These technologies improve outcomes, increase access to care, and enhance healthcare delivery. AI and robotics have transformed patient monitoring by analysing data for early intervention and enabling remote monitoring. In diagnosis and treatment, AI aids accurate diagnoses, while robotics offer precision in surgeries. They optimize medication management and enhance EHR utilization. In rehabilitation and elderly care, robotics assists with exercises and provide support and companionship. AI and robotics revolutionize healthcare, but ethical considerations and human involvement are crucial for privacy, trust, and expertise.

Keywords : Artificial intelligence (AI); Robotics; Patient monitoring; Medication management; Ethical considerations.
Corresponding Author : Avadhesh Kumar Yadav,