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Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences

Volume  11, Issue 1, January - June 2024 2024, Pages 23-25

Case Report

Role of Collagen Granules in Non-Healing Wound

Rumaan Patan1 , Ravi Kumar Chittoria2 , Bharath Prakash3

1 Junior Resident, Department of  Surgery, 2 Professor, 3 Senior Resident, Department of Plastic  Surgery & Telemedicine, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate  Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry 605006, India.

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Non-healing wounds pose an obstacle to patient care, leading to increased morbidity and  placing time and financial strain on patient and caregiver. Newer modalities in treatment are  being actively researched to further facilitate tissue growth and healing. One such modality  is the use of collagen granules in non-healing wound management. There are relatively  few studies in India and internationally showing its effect on healing. Here we discuss our  experience with the use, effects demonstrated using collagen granules on non-healing wounds.

Keywords : Collagen; Granules; Non-healing; Wounds; Chronic wounds.
Corresponding Author : Ravi Kumar Chittoria,