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Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences

Volume  11, Issue 1,  January - June 2024, Pages 19-21

Original Article

Innovative Method of Filling Collagen Particles in Difficult Cavity Wounds

Sushil Nepali1 , Ravi Kumar Chittoria2 , Jacob Antony Chakiath3 , Kanav Gupta4 , Padmalakshmi Bharathi Mohan

1 Junior Resident, Department  of General Surgery, 2 Professor, Head of IT Wing and  Telemedicine, 3,4Senior Resident, 5 Assistant Professor,  Department of Plastic Surgery, JIPMER, Puducherry  605006, India.

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Difficult cavity wounds have undermined and tunnelling morphology of their edges or a  location which is difficult to access. Collagen dressing is an interactive dressing designed for  wound management. Collagen particles are designed for cavity wound management. Filling  the difficult cavity wound with collagen particles has some practical problems. To overcome  these problems, we have used an innovative method of filling collagen particles in difficult  cavity wound. Innovative method of filling collagen particles is simple and effective solution  of the problems faced in managing difficult cavity wounds.

Keywords : Difficult cavity wounds; Collagen particles; Wound bed preparation
Corresponding Author : Ravi Kumar Chittoria