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Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine

Volume  10, Issue 2,  April - June 2024, Pages 95-99

Case Report

Unlocking the Conundrum: Shedding Light on Thyrotoxicosis Caused by Levothyroxine Overdose

Vijay Kumar S S1 , Shabbir Shekhli2 , Anila Jose3

1 Assistant Profesor, Department  of Emergency Medicine, Kanachur Institute of Medical  Sciences, Mangalore 575018, Karnataka, 2 Associate Professor,  Department of Emergency Medicine, Rajarajeshwari Medical  College and Hospital, Bangalore 560074, Karnataka, 3 Assistant  Profesor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Sree Narayana  Institute of Medical Sciences Chalakka, Kunnukara 683594,  Kerala, India.

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Thyrotoxicosis secondary to levothyroxine overdose presents multifaceted clinical  dilemmas influenced by dosage, patient age, and psychiatric factors. Our case, involving  a 32-year-old female with chronic hypothyroidism ingested a substantial amount of  levothyroxine, highlights the potential severity of such incidents. While accidental  poisoningismorecommoninpaediatricagegroup,our caseunderscores thesignificanceof  adult cases, particularly those with underlying psychiatric conditions. Prompt recognition  and intervention are paramount, given the risk of severe manifestations like thyroid  storm. Treatment strategies, including symptom management and hormone elimination,  facilitated the patient's recovery, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive  multidimensional care and heightened clinical vigilance. This case underscores the need  for tailored management approaches and multidisciplinary collaboration to optimize  outcomes in cases of levothyroxine intoxication induced thyrotoxicosis.

Keywords : Thyrotoxicosis; Levothyroxine; Poisoning; Clinical Vigilance; Hyperthyroidism.
Corresponding Author : Shabbir Shekhli,