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Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine

Volume  10, Issue 2, Aril-June 2024, Pages 91-93

Case Report

Severe Hypokalemia Mimicking Guillain-Barr'e Syndrome in Young Female

Gagandeep Bagga1 , Uvesh Vaja2 , Santosh Kumar Singh3 , Apurva Chowdhury4

1 Resident Emergency Medicine,  2 Senior Consultant, 3 Head of Department, 4 Junior Consultant,  Ramkrishna Care Hospital, Raipur 492004, Chattisgarh, India.

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In all emergency departments, acute neuromuscular weakness, which is linked to  respiratory failure, is a common neurological emergency. Guillain-Barr´e Syndrome  (GBS) remains the leading cause of acute ascending quadriplegia presents with ascending  muscle weakness associated with paresthesia and loss of deep tendon reflexes and usually  preceeded by diarrheal illness or upper airway infection. Here we report 20-year-old  female presented with rapidly progressing, ascending weakness of all four extremities  for 24 hours duration with subsequently complicated by respiratory paralysis due to  severe hypokalemia.

Keywords : Guillain-Barr´e Syndrome; Hypokalemia; Acute Neuromuscular weakness; Quadriparesis; Emergency.
Corresponding Author : Uvesh Vaja,