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Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine

Volume  10, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 75-77

Case Report

A Case of Pyogenic Liver Abscess in a 16 year Old Previously Healthy Boy

Manisha Rajaure1 , Pintu Kumar Gupta2 , Priya Govil3 , Kishalay Datta

1,2Third year ME Mtrainee, 3 Senior  Consultant, 4 Director and H.O.D, Emergency Medicine, Max  Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh 110088, Delhi, India.

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An 16 year-old, previously healthy boy reported in the ER with chief complaints of  abdominal pain, high-grade fevers, nausea and emesis. Multiple hepatic abscesses were found  with the help of ultrasound. Aspiration cultures grew Fusobacterium Necrophorum, a rare  bacterium causing potentially fatal liver abscesses in humans. Broad spectrum antibiotics  were immediately started but his symptoms worsened. Latter on percutaneous drainage  of multiple abscesses was performed and purulent fluid > 150 ml was drained after which  patient showed significant improvement. After percutaneous drainages and narrowing of  antibiotics, the patient showed no signs of infection and was discharged on a 6-week antibiotic  course. Because oropharyngeal infections are a potential source of bacteraemia, they must be  considered in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with hepatic abscesses and no  evidence of immunocompromise.

Keywords : Liver abscess; Fusobacterium necrophorum; Percutaneous Drainage.
Corresponding Author : Pintu Kumar Gupta,