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Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine

Volume  10, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 69-74

Case Report

Stridor in Er!!!

Ashish Nair1 , Athira C.N.2 , Jerry Mathew

1,3Senior Resident, Department  of Critical Care Medicine, 2 Resident, Department of  Anaesthesiology, Bharti Vidyapeeth Hospital, Pune 411043,  Maharashtra, India.

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5-month child presenting with high grade fever with cough and noisy breathing to the EMD.  On evaluation the baby appears to be in stridor and respiratory distress. Urgent chest X-ray AP  view (Fig. 1) showed haziness in the right mid and lower zone. Airway was secured followed  by CECT thorax suggestive of long segment tracheomalacia with aberrant innominate artery  compression. Confirmation was done with a flexible bronchoscope followed by a suctioning  to maintain luminal patency. In this article, we report our experience of Tracheomalacia with  aspiration pneumonia in paediatric age group.

Keywords : Stridor; Tracheomalacia; Intrathoracic Airway; Brachiocephalic Artery; Upper Airway Obstruction; Flexible Bronchoscope.
Corresponding Author : Athira C.N