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Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine

Volume  10, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 61-63

Case Report

Liver in-place of Lung: Rare Diaphragmatic Injury

Pintu Kumar1 , Manisha Rajaure2 , Anita Rawat3 , Kishalay Datta4

Resident, 3 Senior Consultant,  4 H.O.D, Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Max  Superspeciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh 110088, Delhi, India.

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Diaphragmatic rupture injury is usually seen in the setting of a high speed motor vehicle  accident. Rupture of the left diaphragm is common when compared to the right side in the  setting of diaphragmatic blunt injury. In this case report, we discuss a rare incident of right  hepatothorax following a high speed motor accident.

Keywords : Hepatothorax; Diaphragm Injury; Massive Transfusion Protocol.
Corresponding Author : Manisha Rajaure,