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Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences

Volume  11, Issue 1, January - June 2024, Pages 07-10

Original Article

A Study on Awareness among Young Adults towards Health and/or Nutritional Benefits of Millets

Manisha Trivedi1, Radhika Godbole2, Dipali Saxena3, Shweta Keswani4

1,3Assistant Professor, 2M.Sc.
Student, Food and Nutrition, Shri Vaishnav Institute of
Home Science, Indore 452002, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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In the current scenario there are various degenerative diseases occurring among Young adults
including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases andother nutritional deficiencies due to lifestyle
changes, lowered immunity and many other reasons. To prevent such problems there is a need
to find easy, simple and cost effective solution. One such solution is to eat nutritionally healthy
food, one of them are millets. Millets are small seeded grasses that belong to ‘Poaceae’ family.
They have various health and nutritive benefits as they are good source of various vitamins,
minerals, Antioxidants etc. Millets are locally grown crops that are good from agriculture point
of view. They are grown in regions of African and Asian countries these includes Sorghum,
pearl millet, finger millet, little millet and many more. This study was focused on young adults
of age 20 to 30 years old residing within India, as they are the current as well as the future of the
country, their health is important for the growth and development of our country. The study
was based on the survey research methodology, a self made questionnaire was prepared for the
study purpose. The main objectives of this study were: to study the awareness among young
adults regarding their knowledge about nutritional benefits of millets, to study the awareness
among young adults regarding their knowledge about health benefits of millets and to know
about the consumption of millets among young adults. This study showed that majority of
young adults knew that millets are nutritive as well as they have many health benefits but
they do not consume as much millets in their diet so there is still need to provide them some
solutions in the form of some delicious recipesetc. Also there is need to promote the awareness
regarding millets and is need to conduct more research on this topic

Keywords : Millets; Degenerative Diseases; Antioxidants; Immunity; Nutritive benefits.
Corresponding Author : Manisha Trivedi,