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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  17, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 91-96

Review Article

Smokeless Tobacco: An Overview

Bhuvaneshwari NG

Assistant Professor, Department
of Public Health Dentistry, Terna Dental College,
Navi Mumbai 400706, Maharashtra, India.

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Tobacco is mostly commonly used drug which is the foremost preventable cause of death
and disease in the world today. It is of major public health concern for countries in the southeast
region.India faces a dual burden of tobacco use in the form of smoking and smokeless tobacco.
With wide variation in smokeless tobacco consumption in India, the prevalence is higher in rural
population. Tobacco use is a major risk factor for various infectious and Non-communicable
Diseases. Participation of health care professionals in tobacco cessation is the need of the hour.
Training the healthcare professionals for behavioural counselling and addiction management
would serve the need to reduce the burden of tobacco related diseases. The association between
tobacco usage and the various oral diseases are well recognized now. With the incorporation of Tobacco cessation counselling centre in all dental colleges across India, Dentists are nowadays trained for behavioural management of patients.  

Keywords : Tobacco; Health Care; Counselling Centre; WHO FCTC.
Corresponding Author : Bhuvaneshwari NG