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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  17, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 105-107

Case Report

Lohamaladi Lepa: A Classical Cosmetic Yoga for Achromotrichia

Vijaykumar S. Kotrannavar

Dean & Professor, Department of
Rasashastra & BK, Shri J.G.C.H.S. Ayurvedic Medical College,
Ghataprabha, Belgaum 591321, Karnataka, India.

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Premature achromotrichia (Premature graying of hair) is one of the common cosmetic
problems seen in general practice as well as in Shalakyatantra OPD, in which onset of graying
of hair is seen before natural process. i.e. in young age or before the age of 30-35 years. In
Ayurveda it is considered as Palityaone of the kshudraroga and shiro-kapalagataroga. And many
kesharanjakayogasare explained for this condition in the form of shirolepaalong with other therapies
like shiroabhyanga, nasya and internal keshyarasayana. Lohamaladilepa is one of such kesharanjaka
yoga explained in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. This paper highlights about the action of Lohamaladilepa in
akalapalita w r to pre mature graying of hair.

Keywords : Palitya; Pre mature gray hair; Lohamaladilepa; Kesharanjana.
Corresponding Author : Vijaykumar. S. Kotrannavar,