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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  17, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 91-97

Review Article

Review of a Rare Ashtavarga Plant: Jeevaka Crepidium Acuminatum D. Don Szlach

Ramita Maharjan1, Mahesh Kumar Mainali2, Prema N Mysore

1Chief Executive Officer, Rishipath
International Foundation, 2,3Director, Rishipath Healthcare
Research and Publication International Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
560062, Karnataka, India

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Jeevaka identified as Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlach. is a very important Ayurvedic
drug originating in Himalayan region. Its pseudobulb is usedethno medicinally as tonic and
aphrodisiac in Indian, Chinese etc. traditional medicine. In Ayurveda, it is used as a rejuvenative,
spermatogenic and strength promoting drug and used in various important formulation. Due
to its high demand it has become rare drug now a day; hence substituted and adulterated with
various other drugs. Tissue culture studies using leaf, pseudo bulb and seeds are successful in
this plant. Various studies like physico-chemical, phytochemical, have been conducted regarding
the wild, cultivated and marketed samples. These results have shownsignificant differences
in them. The major component found was 3'-O-Methylbatatasin III. It has been shown a good
antioxidant and anti-microbial, analgesic and inflammatory activity. Also the drug was found
non-toxic in animal studies.

Keywords : Jeevaka; Crepidium acuminatum; Ashtavarga; Ayurveda
Corresponding Author : Mahesh Kumar Mainali,