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Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia

Volume  11, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 69-72

Case Report

Airway and Anaesthetic Managment in Patients with Klippel-Treanunay Syndrome

Sushmitha S1, Kiran N2

1Junior Resident, 2Professor,
Department of Anaesthesiology, Sri Devaraj URS Medical
College, Tamaka, Kolar 563101, Karnataka, India.

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Introduction: Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome is a rare sporadic condition described in terms
of a clinical triad, Atypical lateral varicosity, Port wine stain (capillary malformation), Bone
and soft tissue hypertrophy or hypotrophy.
Case Report: We present a 20-year-old male, Non Vysya patient presented with history of
pain in left ear and yellowish white sero-purulent discharge in the left ear since 10 days. On
local examination there was discoloration over the left side of the face in the maxillary region,
bifid tongue, swelling over the inner aspect of the left side of the mouth, the face was elongated
with hypertrophy of the soft tissue of the left side of the face.
Patient was diagnosed to have Left ear Chronic Otitis Media with postauricular abscess and
was posted for Incision and drainage, canaloplasty, meatoplasty and excision of intraoral lesion.
Anaesthesia was maintained with the help of Propofol, oxygen, nitrous oxide and vecuronium.
Patient was fully awake and extubated, also we were able to see vocal cords movement during
extubation. Patient was shifted to Post Anaesthesia Care Unit.
Conclusion: Patients with Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome is rare condition needs thorough
understanding of hemodynamic changes, proper preoperative assessment with vigilant
intraoperative monitoring and management.

Keywords : Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome; Port wine stain; Video Laryngoscopy; Malformations.
Corresponding Author : Kiran N