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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  4, Issue 1-2,  January – December 2023, Pages 25-26

Review Article

Implementation of Compulsory Centorship Program in the Present Medical Education Scenario-Benefits and Challenges

Padmini Hannah Noone

Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bengaluru 560066, Karnataka, India.

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Mentoring in medical education has been going on globally over a long period of time. It has its own challenges and advantages. Since in the present day scenario the NMC has made it mandatory to implement mentoring, the challenge is now of handling a mandatory mentorship program. This review article explores the views and various aspects in relation to mentoring.
The conclusions seen are that mentoring is shown to be beneficial to both the mentees and mentors. However certain impediments like time constraints, difficulty in opening up, confidentiality may hinder its effectiveness. Peer assisted mentoring and use of exploratory sessions to find their specific needs can help in improving the quality of mentoring.

Keywords : Mentoring; Medical education; Compulsory; Professional satisfaction; Guidance, Exploratory session; Peer Assisted Mentoring.
Corresponding Author : Padmini Hannah Noone