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Journal of Plastic Surgery and Transplantation

Volume  4, Issue 2, July – December 2023, Pages 93-97

Review Article

The Bilobed Sandwich Abdomen Flap: Applications for Combined Volar and Dorsal Hand Defects in the Microsurgical Era

Raghuram Menon1, Krishna Kumar KS2, Ajit Kumar Pati3, Sunos KS4, Srigireesh AR5, Sinnet P Roy6

1,6Senior Specialist, 2Head of Department, 3,4Senior Consultant, 5Consultant, Plastic Surgery, Aster MIMS Hospital, Govindapuram 673016, Calicut, India.

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Complete cover of both palmar and dorsal aspects of hand and wrist in severe hand injuries is a difficult task with a single flap. Several surgical techniques using local/distant/micro vascular flaps have been developed to resurface such defects. Even though free tissue transfer has become the norm nowadays this is often not possible in a resource constrained set up. Combined bilobed abdominal flaps can be safely raised to resurface large defects of the hand as they are simple, easy, and versatile, with the added advantage of decreased donor site morbidity. Here in our series, we discuss the different types of hand defects which we could resurface with the Bilobed sandwich flap and a few tips in planning this flap.

Keywords : Bilobed Flap; Pedicled Flap; Dorsal Aspects.
Corresponding Author : Raghuram Menon, Senior Specialist, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aster MIMS Hospital, Govindapuram 673016, Calicut, India.