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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  10, Issue 1, January – April 2024, Pages 19-22

Review Article

Nurturing Emotional well-being in Infertility: Nurses Role in Infertility Support

Gowri Sayee Jagadesan

Nursing Educator, Department of Nursing Training and Development, Fortis Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka 560076, India

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Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility affects millions of people and has a psychosocial impact. Infertility is often stressful for both individuals and couples, and it can cause significant strain in relationships between partners. Sometimes, these stresses can lead to symptoms of common mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. infertility counseling can be a helpful way to move through these challenges.

Keywords : CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; IPT - Interpersonal Therapy
Corresponding Author : Gowri Sayee Jagadesan