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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  3, Issue 1-2, January - December 2022, Pages 33-37

Review Article

Why to Reduce Women Imprisonment in India

Niharikaa Awasthy

Senior Legal Advisor, Naturo Electro Homoeopathy Medicos of India, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058, India

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In many countries, the proportion of women incarceration has skyrocketed and is fast rising. This has surpassed the number of males incarceration. It is obvious that women prison is the most neglected area of the criminal justice system. The best way to say it is that criminal justice is created by men for men. The truth is that women's rights have always been questioned and jeopardised in prisons or outside prison walls. According to the most recent data available from the end of 2015, Indian prisons detained 17,834 women. Only 17% of these women are imprisoned in purely female prisons, with the rest kept in female enclosures of general prison systems. National and international organisations agree that the conditions of prisons and the women who live in them must be urgently improved (Women in Prisons India, 2018).

Keywords : Incarceration; Restorative; Restorative Justice; Women Offenders.
Corresponding Author : Niharikaa Awasthy