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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  3, Issue 1-2, January - December 2022, Pages 11-13

Original Article

Role of Cyclic Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Pediatric Scald Burn

Jacob Antony Chakiath1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria

MBBS, MS, Senior Resident, Department Of Plastic Surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry-605006, India

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Over the past decades, the application of “negative pressure” has evolved to a cornerstone in the treatment of acute and chronic wounds in almost all specialties.The cyclic NPWT system is similar to the intermittent mode in terms of using the same maximal sub atmospheric pressure, but the pressure never reaches zero in the cyclic mode. The role of cyclic negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in burns are widely studied. In this case report, cyclic NPWT was utilised in a child with scald burns to evaluate the efficacy

Keywords : Cyclic negative pressure wound therapy, burns, scald.
Corresponding Author : Ravi Kumar Chittoria