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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  12, Issue 1,  January – March 2024, Pages 41-44

Case Report

Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy: A Rare Case Report

Sukalyan Halder1, Rajneet Bhatia2, Payel Mallick3

1Senior Consultant, 2Secondary DNB Trainee, 3Primary DNB Trainee, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nazareth Hospital, Shillong, Meghalaya 793003, India

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Ovarian ectopic pregnancy is rare and constitutes around 3% of all ectopic pregnancies. Its presentation is similar to tubal ectopic pregnancy and is difficult to diagnose based on the presentation and ultrasound findings. Here, we describe one such case which we encountered in our practice. Primigravida patient at early gestation presented with vaginal spotting and pain in lower abdomen. She was suspected as ruptured ectopic pregnancy based on examination and ultrasound findings. Immediate laparotomy was performed and patient was diagnosed to have ruptured ovarian pregnancy intraoperatively. Partial ovariotomy was performed and the case was successfully managed. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis. Surgery is the mainstay of definitive diagnosis and treatment. Identifying these cases early is imperative as such patients can collapse suddenly and there are high chances of maternal morbidity and mortality.

Keywords : Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy; Ultrasound Findings; Histopathology; Maternal Morbidity and Mortality.
Corresponding Author : Rajneet Bhatia,