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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  12, Issue 1,  January – March 2024, Pages 31-33

Case Report

Mullerian Cyst: Case Report of a Rare Entity

Neelotparna Saikia1, Balsri Marak2, Angelin Shalom J3

1Senior Consultant, 2Junior Consultant, 3DNB Trainee, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nazareth Hospital, Laitumkhrah, Meghalaya 793003, India.

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Mullerian cysts arise from the remnant of the Mullerian duct. They are usually asymptomatic and are diagnosed incidentally. Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging can help to determine the location and its relation to the surrounding structures, but thorough clinical knowledge and meticulous clinical examination help to rule out other causes and come to a precise diagnosis. The diagnosis is only made by histological examination. Surgical excision is often preferred. Here we report the case of a middle aged woman who presented with an anterior vaginal wall cyst, which turned out to be a Mullerian cyst on histopathological examination.

Keywords : Mullerian cyst; Anterior vaginal wall cyst; Mullerian duct
Corresponding Author : Neelotparna Saikia