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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  12, Issue 1,  January – March 2024, Pages 23-25

Original Article

A Study of Pregnancy Outcome in Various High Risk Pregnancies

Kiran Oswal1, Uma Mahesh Sindoor2

1Associate Professor, 2Senior Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Al Ameen Medical College, Vijaypura, Karnataka 586108, India

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Background: A High risk pregnancy is identified as pregnancy in which there is a risk of adverse outcome in the mother and / or baby that is greater than the incidence of that outcome in general population. All pregnancies are at risk even though most of the pregnancies and childbirth worldwide are uneventful. Almost 15% of all the pregnant women can develop potentially life-threatening complications which might require skilled care with some requiring major intervention for survival.

Methods: This prospectivestudy was carried out in 220 cases being brought in OBG dept of AL Ameen Medical College, Bijapur, from July 2023 to December 2023. A detailed data of sociodemographic profile, general examination and obstetric examination were carried out.

Results: Of the 220 antenatal cases studied, 99 cases (45%) of them had pre-eclampsia. Malpresentation pregnancies contributed to about 36% of cases and Anemia were seen in 13 cases (6%). The mode of delivery was caesarean section in 70 cases (31.2%). Normal vaginal delivery were done in 94 cases (42.8%). Instrumental deliveries were seen in 11 cases (5%).

Conclusion: High risk pregnancy, Caesarian section, Normal vaginal delivery of active phase of labour by making cervical dilatation faster and lowering the duration of usage of labour analgesics, which makes labour a pleasant experience for woman.

Keywords : Entonox; Labour analgesia; Cervical dilatation rate; First stage.
Corresponding Author : Uma Mahesh Sindoor,