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Indian Journal of Surgical Nursing

Volume  13, Issue 1, January – April 2024, Pages 17-24

Original Article

Knowledge and Practice on Mosquito Control Measures among People Residing in the Selected Urban Area

S. Sridevy1, P. Dhanalakshmi2, S. Dharmini3, S. Dhiviya4, T. Divya

1Associate Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, 2-5Final Year B.Sc. Nursing Students, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry 605006, India.

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Statement: Study to assess the knowledge and practice on mosquito control measures among people residing in the selected urban area at Gorimedu, Puducherry.

Objectives of the Study: To assess the level of knowledge regarding mosquito control measures among the subjects. To assess the level of practice regarding mosquito control measures among the subject’s. To associate between demographic variable and level of knowledge about mosquito control measures in selected urban area. To associate between demographic variable and level of practice on mosquito control measures in selected urban areas. Keeping in view, the objectives of the study, research approach used for the study was quantitative research approach and non-experimental descriptive research design was selected for the study. The study was conducted in Gorimedu kamaraj Nagar, Puducherry and the sample size was 100 selected people in urban area. Socio-demographic data including age, gender, religion, education, occupation, family income, housing, disposal of waste, drainage, kitchen garden and source of information. Self administered structured closed ended knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge among selected people. Questionnaire was used to assessed the knowledge and check list was used to  assessed the practice on among selected people in urban area. Data analyzed by descriptive statistical method.

 Result: The study revealed that among 100 selected people 44(44%) have adequate level of knowledge, 51(51%) have moderate level of knowledge whereas only 5(5%) have inadequate knowledge. Then 79 (79%) has safe level of practice, 21(21%) has unsafe level of practice.

Keywords : Knowledge; Practice; People; Urban Area; Mosquito Control Measures.
Corresponding Author : S. Sridevy,