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Indian Journal of Surgical Nursing

Volume  13, Issue 1, January – April 2024, Pages 13-16

Original Article

Covid Appropriate Behaviour at all Places at all time

K. Kalpana1, B. Shobana2

1Principal, 2Assistant Professor, Sara Nursing College, Dharampuram, Tiruppur 638656, Tamil Nadu, India

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The corona virus disease (2019), is a contagious disease caused by SARS-COV-2 that was first identified in Wuhun, China. The WHO declared its outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic gave an opportunity to adopt many appropriate changes in the behavior of the people in India. Strengthening good preventive behavior is the best to tackle this pandemic

Keywords : COVID-19, Infection; Pandemic; Hand Hygiene; Maintaining Physical Distancing; Use of Face Mask; Cough Etiquettes; Avoid Spitting and Urination at Public Places.
Corresponding Author : B.Shobana,