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Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice

Volume  13, Issue 1, January - March 2024, Pages 29-31


Dermatology: A Challenge for Indian Pathologist

Ravi Prakash Agarwalla

Faculty member, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Lincoln University College, Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia

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Dermatology as a speciality has seen exponential growth in the last decade. While the subspeciality is enjoying freeway driving many other subspecialities including Dermatopathology are stranded in a bottleneck traffic. Lack of training facilities in this subspeciality across the country and uncertainty of future career prospects in Dermatopathology may force youngsters to focus on other fields of specialization.

In many institution and labs, skin biopsy sections are read and reported by general pathologists.

Keywords : IADVL; Scholarships; UEMS; Dermatopathology.
Corresponding Author : Ravi Prakash Agarwalla,