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Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice

Volume  13, Issue 1, January - March 2024, Pages 7-12

Original Article

Clinicohistopathological Spectrum of Adult Renal Tumours: 3yrs Retrospective Study at a Tertiary Care Centre

Afreen Amir Pathan,1 Mohammed Abdul Sameer,2 Deepak Sadhu3

13rd Year Junior Resident, 2Professor and Head, 3Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical College & Hospital, Nanded 431606, Maharastra, India.

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Background: The broad range of kidney neoplastic lesions that are classified as primary renal tumours includes patterns that are comparatively different in children and adults. Both benign and malignant primary renal tumours are possible. These neoplasms account for two to three percent of all adult malignancies and 80–85% of all primary malignant neoplasms of kidney. Aim and Objective: Finding relative frequencies of various adult renal tumours and examining clinicohistopathological features and their variations in patients under study are goals of this research. Methods: This retrospective investigation was carried out at tertiary care facility on all patients who were diagnosed with kidney tumour based on histology between 2020 and 22. Information was gathered about clinical presentation, pathological features, and demographics of patients. Histological section employed standard haematoxylin and eosin stain for pathological investigation. Results: Over period of three years, among 50 patients, 63% were males and 37% females. Most tumours were malignant: 88% vs. 12% benign. Peak incidence was found more in 6-7th decade. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) was most prevalent type of cancerous tumour. Angiomyolipoma, oncocytoma, and adult cystic nephroma were examples of benign renal tumours. Discussion: This is single center study from tertiary care center. Range of adult renal tumours found in this study is in line with earlier research findings. We identified both benign and malignant tumours in our investigation. Conclusion: With a thorough literature analysis and focus on each tumour category, this article provides an overview of range of adult renal tumours in tertiary care centres.

Keywords : Renal; Benign; Malignant; Adult.
Corresponding Author : Afreen Amir Pathan,