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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  1, Issue 2,  July - December 2020, Pages 61-64

Original Article

Perceptions of Students Regarding Structured Oral Examination in Forensic Medicine

Pragnesh Parmar1, Gunvanti Rathod2

Professor and Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, 2Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar, Mehsana, Gujarat 384355, India.

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Background: Oral viva examination is one of the assessment tools which are commonly used for formative as well as summative examination. Structured oral examination can be helpful to overcome bias of traditional oral examination.

Materials and Methods: All 2nd MBBS students (Fifth semester) of GMERS Medical College, Valsad, Gujarat were subjected to structured oral examination in Forensic Medicine after obtaining their informed written consent and their perceptions regarding structured oral examination were obtained via pre-tested and pre-validated Likert scale type questionnaire (1 to 3, 1 – Don’t Agree, 2-Not Sure, 3 – Agree) regarding usefulness of structured oral examination in Forensic Medicine. Study was undertaken after obtaining ethical approval from the Institutional Ethical Committee. Data obtained were analyzed via median score and tabulated.

Results: Total 138 students of 2nd MBBS (Fifth semester) were subjected to structured oral examination in Forensic Medicine subject followed by their feedback on structured oral examination via pre-tested and pre-validated Likert scale type questionnaire. Frequency and median score of various parameters of feedback given by students were calculated. Out of 138 participants, 84 were male and 54 were female. There was no statistically significant difference between perceptions of male and female participants.

Conclusion: Structured oral examination in Forensic Medicine can become a better assessment tool for both formative and summative examination and with some changes as per the blueprinting and examination pattern it will be positively acceptable to the students.

Keywords : Forensic Medicine; Structured oral examination; Students’ perceptions.
Corresponding Author : Pragnesh Parmar,