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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  1, Issue 2, July - December 2020, Pages 55-60

Original Article

Forensic Odontology: Knowledge and Awareness Among 2nd Year Medical Students

Mohit Gupta1, Sanjay Kumar2, Abhishek Yadav3, Manish Kumath

1,2Associate Professor, 4Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College (VMMC) and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi 110029, India. 3Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi 110029, India.

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Introduction: Forensic odontology is the branch of forensic medicine which deals with the proper handling, examination and presentation of dental evidence in the best interest of justice. The present study was conducted to determine the awareness in medical students regarding the field of forensic odontology.

Material and Methods: A preformulated standardized questionnaire was circulated among 121 2nd year medical students.

Results: 96.69% students knew that Forensic Odontology is branch of forensic that deals with teeth while 95.04% students correctly said that Forensic Dentistry is a branch of Forensic Medicine. Only 3.3% students knew that Forensic Dentistry is useful for identification of person. 42.14% students were aware of the most reliable method of identification. 81.81% students were aware that DNA can be obtained from teeth. However only 28.92% students knew that gender could be identified from teeth. Students were aware that age can be estimated from teeth and that Bite marks are useful for identification. Majority of the students correctly answered that the evidence of forensic dentistry is legally acceptable in court.

Conclusion: Medical students were aware of the significance of the branch of forensic odontology. Practical application of the knowledge of the subject is lacking as there is deficiency of forensic dentistry

department. Use of forensic odontology along with the other scientific knowledge can be used to impart swift, impartial and adequate justice.

Keywords : Forensic Odontology; Forensic Dentist; Forensic Dentistry; Awareness; Identification.
Corresponding Author : Mohit Gupta,