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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  1, Issue 1, January - June 2020, Pages 17-22

Original Article

Personality Inventory and Its Association with Tattoo

Vijayanath V, Anitha MR

Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, Akash Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Devanhalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562110, India.

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Introduction: even though it is more roughly understood that getting a tattoo is for fashion. We wanted to understand the personality of these individuals; hence this study is taken up for the research activity.

Aim: To assess the personality of the tattooed individuals.

Materials and Methods: Individuals who were willing to be part of the study and those given consents were included in this study; from all the age group and gender. Eysenck Personality Inventory is used to categorize these subjects into different personality groups.

Results: The study has shown number of extroverts in the individuals having these tattoos, which is being depicted in the tables. Hindus, unmarried and urban population was more. Tattoo on the hands which is permanent in nature was more of neurotic.

Discussion: The study is comparable with most of the earlier research as well as contrasted. This type of categorization was not available in the literature search done by us. Hence it is pertaining to this part of the world.

Conclusion: More neurotic individuals have been found to have these tattoos. But it was not clear if the individual had the tattoos because of his personality trait

Keywords : Tattoo; Personality; Neurotic.
Corresponding Author : Anitha MR,